After serving as a Senior Pastor for many years, Jim planted the East Bay Prayer Furnace in Dublin, CA in 2006, which served the region with night and day worship and prayer while sending out missionaries to cities and nations around the world. Jim was the director for 11 years and now provides oversight to that ministry.  

Together with his family they followed God’s leading to relocate to start the House of Prayer Sacramento, a regional House worship and prayer ministry that serves the church of Sacramento in training and equipping people in corporate and personal prayer.  

Jim and his wife Leslie have two sons, an amazing daughter in law and a beautiful granddaughter. They have been involved in pastoral ministry for over 30 years in Colorado Springs, the bay area of California, and now in the Sacramento region.


Jim considers it a privilege to come alongside what God is doing with your congregation and community and wants to come alongside of you in your God-given assignments.